Learn About Parvati

Parvati Sundari has two great joys. The first is singing, and in particular, singing for/to the Divine. The second is assisting people to ‘wake up’ to the unique light within themselves, through energetic healing and teaching of holistic personal development.


Parvati was born near Newcastle, Australia (some time ago) and cannot remember a time where both singing and helping people, weren’t features of her life. Her compassionate commitment to serving others has been a lifelong journey, which has brought about her own healing and personal development. As with many people, Parvati’s inner journey began with tragedy. The death of her father and the existential questions arising from that, led her to seek answers. Along the way, she found meditation, deep spiritual connection with nature and eventually, a teacher of profound love, healing and spirituality. It was truly a case of “when the student is ready, the teacher appears”.


The journey with her Guru (teacher, guide, master healer and living example) Shakti Durga, has taught Parvati to expand her heart to depths she previously could not have imagined. As she continues to anchor and expand into this Divine state of Being, love and joy more and more, it helps those she serves to love more of themselves. This in turn helps things flow in their lives and makes everything seem easier, even the big challenges! Parvati believes that we all seek teachers, coaches or guides to point us in the direction our hearts yearn to go, and regardless of your beliefs, from deep spiritual belief to atheism, Parvati seeks to help you travel your own personal path.


For the students and clients whom she serves, she offers the rare opportunity for them to explore more deeply the truth of their inherent magnificence in a safe, protected and unconditionally loving way. All those she serves receive the benefit of the profound energetic oneness and unity of her connection with Shakti Durga, enabling them to reach higher and greater states of joy and abundance in their lives. “I’m not looking to take you to my destination, I wish to help you arrive at yours”

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